Code Design: Chapter 2 - Development Methodologies

Code Design: Chapter 2 - Development Methodologies

Guide to Software Development Methodologies to create robust and scalable solution.


3 min read


Software development methodologies help organize and optimize the process of building software. They shape how teams approach coding, testing, and collaboration, ultimately leading to higher-quality software with lower maintenance costs. Here’s a breakdown of key methodologies with their core concepts and benefits.

TDD (Test-Driven Development

Write tests before coding each feature or function, building code around the tests to meet predefined expectations.

Benefits: Reduces bugs, promotes a test-first mindset, and encourages a high standard of code quality.

// Test (written before code)
test('should add two numbers', () => {
  expect(add(2, 3)).toBe(5);

// Code (written to pass the test)
function add(a: number, b: number): number {
  return a + b;

BDD (Behavior-Driven Development)

Focuses on the behavior of an application from the user’s perspective, using readable scenarios to outline expected behaviors.

Benefits: Enhances collaboration between technical and non-technical team members by using human-readable tests that bridge the communication gap.

// Scenario written in a readable format (BDD style)
// "Given a user logs in, when they add an item to the cart, then the cart count should increase by 1."

test('should increase cart count by 1 when an item is added', () => {

DDD (Domain-Driven Design)

Models software closely around the business domain, making the code reflect the business logic and structure. DDD is especially useful in complex applications.

Key Concepts: Domains, sub-domains, entities, and value objects help create a shared language between developers and domain experts.

Benefits: Keeps code aligned with business needs, making it easier to adapt and manage complex systems over time.

// Defining a 'Student' as an entity with unique characteristics relevant to the domain.

class Student extends User {
  constructor(public email: string, public name: string) {}
  joinGroup(groupID: string) {
      // Logic to attch the student to a group

const groupA = new Group('group-a');
const student = new Student('', 'Alice');

Event-Driven Development

Organizes applications around events that trigger actions in response to specific occurrences (e.g., user actions or system updates), making components decoupled and responsive to state changes.

Benefits: Increases scalability and flexibility, especially in complex workflows or real-time applications.

This kind of architecture is used in Real-time NoSQL databases like Firebase.

// Event-based system example
interface Event {
  eventSignature: string;
  data: any;

class EventBus {
  private listeners: { [signature: string]: Function[] } = {};

  subscribe(eventSignature: string, callback: Function) {
    if (!this.listeners[eventSignature]) this.listeners[eventSignature] = [];

  publish(event: Event) {
    const callbacks = this.listeners[event.eventSignature];
    if (callbacks) callbacks.forEach(callback => callback(;

const eventBus = new EventBus();

// It will only be triggred when it's published
eventBus.subscribe('userRegistered', (data) => {
  console.log(`Welcome email sent to ${}`);

eventBus.publish({ type: 'userRegistered', data: { email: '' } });


Each of these methodologies brings unique advantages, supporting developers and teams to manage code quality, complexity, and collaboration. TDD and BDD enforce a testing-first approach, helping teams catch issues early. DDD aligns code with the business, making it more comprehensible and adaptable. Event-Driven Development improves system flexibility, allowing for highly responsive and decoupled components. Together, they form a toolkit that can adapt to various project needs and complexities, especially in large, dynamic applications.

Series Chapters

  1. Introduction

  2. Chapter 1 - Design Principles

  3. Chapter 2 - Development Methodologies

  4. Chapter 3 - Architectural Patterns

  5. Chapter 4 - Coding Standards and Best Practices