Lead Full-Stack Developer. Usually, I create software and try understand how things work. I learn, and share my knowledge through articles.
How to use NextJS and NodeJS to generate dynamic images for web and social media covers with the help of Node Canvas. · I've been working recently on a...
Learn the best practices and clean code principles. · Introduction Coding standards and best practices are crucial for ensuring code quality,...
Understand High-Level Design to create the suitable infrastructure for your solution. · Introduction Architectural patterns provide structured ways to...
Guide to Software Development Methodologies to create robust and scalable solution. · Introduction Software development methodologies help organize and...
Software Engineering Design Principles for clean, clear, and maintainable code. · Introduction Design principles are the fundamental rules that guide...
the guide to build scalable, robust and readable software code. · In the fast-paced world of software development, building applications that can scale,...